Game of the year lists Games

My personal top 10 games of 2023

It’s been a minute since I posted on this blog. That’s due to work this year being really hectic and consuming more of my time than ever before. That resulted in me playing fewer games and having less time to allow the experience to simmer in me and have something worthwhile to say about them. […]

Game of the year lists Games

My favorite games of the year 2021

Also, ongoing experience of the year. Ongoing experiences of 2021: I suck at coming up with titles. “Ongoing experiences” might be my worst title yet because of how deceptive it is; it does perfectly capture how I interact with these games, though. Most will think that I’m talking about “live-service” games, but these games are […]

Game of the year lists Games

Games of the Year list: Part One

2021’s 2020 game of the year, best of the rest. 2021’s 2020 game of the year: I have many hobbies and, as is true for everyone, limited time. So, I always have stuff that I want to play or experience from years past and 2020 was no different. These are the games I played in […]

Game of the year lists Games

My favorite games of the year 2020

Will it finally end or does 2020 have another surprise for us?! In this modern era, there are increasingly less things people can definitely agree on, but if there are some stuff that everyone should agree on are: a) BLACK LIVES MATTER b) this year can suck a bag of dicks c) it was an […]

Game of the year lists Games

Games I wished I liked more in 2020

This is always the hardest list to make for me, because I really do not want to play bad games or play games that I know I won’t like for a list. However, there is a lot of value for both consumers and developers in acknowledging the mistakes and – hopefully – acting on them […]

Game of the year lists Games

Seven casual games I really liked in 2020

Everyone knows I am the most hardcore player that ever existed; in fact, I’m so hardcore, I needed to play a few casual games (yuck) to tone myself down and be relatable to other people. Here are some games I really enjoyed that were casual and released in 2020; there will be one honorable mention […]

Game of the year lists Games

My favorite games of 2019 list

2019 has been a heck of a year; so many great games came out that it forced me to change the format of this list a bit. First off, there will be a short list of honorable mentions; a list of games I played this year and thoroughly enjoyed but were not in consideration for […]

Game of the year lists Games

A list of games I wished I liked more in 2019

This is a list of games I wished I liked more than I did, including 8 that are sorted alphabetically and the top two; what this is not, is a list of bad games or worst games of the year, or games that absolutely have nothing good or worthwhile about them. I liked some of […]